A few years ago I had the opportunity to exhibit in a small bar in a small village near Girona.
Hanging my works in the bar of a village of no more than two thousand inhabitants was not what I dreamed but, talking to Xevi (the owner) and after a Gin & Tonic, the most I thought about it the most I liked the idea. "Something will come up", I told him.
After a few months I took him twelve small works related to the cinema.
I would say that they surprised Xevi and I would say as well they surprised the customers who had fun interacting with the works while they consumed their coffee.
Over time this idea was taking centre stage among my works and unknowningly Agúmana was born!.
Mireia, Joan and I have teamed up to get our "pinch" arrives at your homes for surprising and amusing your guests the same way they surprised and amused the customers of that small bar, in that small village near Girona.